
Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing Strategy, and Tactics

Integrate the digital technology tools into your business strategy and operations in a way to make it difficult for competitors to copy the advantages you create. Digital Strategy In part one “The Nature of Business Strategy,” from the book “The Boston Consulting Group ON Strategy,” the authors describe strategy as “It is probably the business […]

Role of Intellectual Resources and Knowledge-based Capabilities in Driving Performance and Profitability

James Brian Quinn, in his book Intelligent Enterprises, describes the term “intellect” as it “is the core resource in producing and delivering services.” 1 A powerful intellect is a strength and by combining strengths a firm can build knowledge-based capabilities that can drive sustainable competitive advantage. The dictionary meaning of “intellect” is the power or […]

Implementing Strategies through Portfolio Management

Strategy implementation is the most difficult part of the strategy. Hrebiniak states that “Making strategy work-executing or implementing it through the organization is even more difficult. Without effective implementation, no business strategy can succeed.” [1] Prior to this work, Henry Mintzberg introduced intended and realized strategy to help clarify this implementation challenge. According to him, […]