
Developing Multiple Sources of Added Value for Customers

Because fierce competition erodes a firm’s competitive advantage, firms should continuously move fast and build new advantages to counteract the advantages of competitors. To survive and prosper in today’s fiercely competitive market environment, firms need effective functional strategies to continuously add value to their offerings and build multiple layers of added value in different areas […]

Value Creation through Incremental Change in Multibusiness Corporation

Multibusiness firms typically use multidivisional structures that comprise separate businesses, which are organized as strategic business units, divisions, or subsidiaries, and are controlled and coordinated by corporate management to create value. These businesses are arranged according to product groups, geographical locations and markets, or different vertically integrated stages. The primary characteristic of a multibusiness firm […]

A New Business Model Structure, Innovation Strategy, and Competitive Advantage

Why do companies engage in innovation? The main reason for this is companies in search of competitive advantage cause them to invest in innovation. However, the answer to this question also depends on how these companies are strategically oriented. Not all strategic types of firms engage in innovation, but there are two general types known […]

Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing Strategy, and Tactics

Integrate the digital technology tools into your business strategy and operations in a way to make it difficult for competitors to copy the advantages you create. Digital Strategy In part one “The Nature of Business Strategy,” from the book “The Boston Consulting Group ON Strategy,” the authors describe strategy as “It is probably the business […]