
Successful Innovative Companies Exploit Complex Sources of Competitive Advantages

A company’s successful innovation outcome doesn’t necessarily result in successful commercialization. When the product progresses from idea generation to the development process into the marketplace is called innovation but can be an unsuccessful one. Kodak developed the Kodak Disc Camera, but it was not commercially successful. To generate profits from innovation your firm should be […]

Two Important Dimensions of Profitable Growth: Strategy and Innovation

In general, all firms have a desire to grow, and, for that reason, they use various growth strategies as they perceive to expand their firm’s activities. Growth can be achieved in several dimensions of corporate strategy: growth in sales, growth in assets (ROA), growth in equity (ROE), and growth in profitability, or some combination of […]

Organizational Barriers to Transformational Change

According to the punctuated equilibrium model, organizations evolve through relatively long periods of equilibrium (stability), which then get disrupted by shorter periods of instability to accommodate more fundamental revolutionary change. These revolutionary periods then attempt to re-stabilize the organization into a new equilibrium period. From this perspective, organizations resist change because resistance to change establishes […]