
Role of Strategic Management in Achieving Sustainability

Strategic management has developed from corporate planning (1960) to shareholder value maximization (1980-2000) to stakeholder value maximization (2000-2023), which also incorporates the sustainability issues of society and the environment. Until the end of the 20th century, the scope of value creation and hence competitive advantage were narrowly defined in terms of profit. Today, companies are […]

Combining Scenarios and Real Options to Address Uncertainty in Strategy Formulation

The 21st century business environment has even become more turbulent and uncertain, and therefore unpredictable. Every firm deals with uncertainty in its lifecycle. Uncertainty impedes the ability of management to make strategic decisions. There are many sources of uncertainty, but the most important ones are related to the firm’s external environment and black swan events. […]

Identifying, Mapping, and Managing the Innovation Ecosystem at Corporate Level

The challenges and uncertainties of the 21st century have continued to change the basic concepts and practice of strategic management. The rapidly changing environment has created environmental uncertainty, which is a threat to strategic managers because it impairs their ability to develop long-range plans and make effective strategic decisions to keep the firm stable with […]

Importance of Shareholder Value in Improving Firm’s Performance

The firm’s ability to accurately establish and measure shareholder value (SHV) is crucial for assessing financial performance and moving the firm toward established objectives. Among other strategic objectives, such as profitability, efficiency, market share, and growth, shareholder value is the most important measure to evaluate a corporation’s long-run financial performance. The discounted cash flow (DCF) […]

Value Creation under Low Growth Condition

During an economic boom, when the market demand exceeds the industry capacity, it is easier for firms to grow, remain profitable and create value. There is not much of a need to understand what a competitive advantage is and where and how value is created. Firms can easily create value without a competitive advantage. In […]