
Creating and Delivering High-Performance Innovation

For the past two decades, many technology-based companies have achieved extraordinary growth rates internally through innovation. Before this period, growing internally through innovation had limitations, and firms had to depend on external growth strategies to achieve corporate growth goals and objectives. For example, by 2018, most of the world’s value was created by a set […]

Design and Management of The Transition State of Strategic Change

This blog article attempts to describe the complex transition phase of the old and weak 3-state strategic change model in terms of two elements of the new and strong strategic management model: strategy formulation and implementation: which incorporates the portfolio management framework to facilitate and provide clarity to the implementation process. Basically, organizations undergo two […]

A New Business Model Structure, Innovation Strategy, and Competitive Advantage

Why do companies engage in innovation? The main reason for this is companies in search of competitive advantage cause them to invest in innovation. However, the answer to this question also depends on how these companies are strategically oriented. Not all strategic types of firms engage in innovation, but there are two general types known […]

Managing Unknown Unknowns in Innovation

The external environment of emerging and technology-based industries will tend to be more uncertain as the world moves further into the twenty-first century. Any changes in an innovation firm’s external environment that are driven by the forces of technology, economics, and other influences impede the ability of strategic managers to make strategic decisions to keep […]

Importance of Portfolio Management in Innovation

The primary purpose of a strategic management system is to maximize the overall performance of the firm. However, a survey of Fortune 500 companies revealed that poor implementation has been the primary cause of strategic failures. Over time, portfolio management has gradually entered the strategic management system to become an essential part of it to […]

Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing Strategy, and Tactics

Integrate the digital technology tools into your business strategy and operations in a way to make it difficult for competitors to copy the advantages you create. Digital Strategy In part one “The Nature of Business Strategy,” from the book “The Boston Consulting Group ON Strategy,” the authors describe strategy as “It is probably the business […]

Industry and Market Segmentation for Creating Competitive Advantage

Industries and markets are segmented to develop business and marketing strategies, respectively. Both strategies are equally important to generate and sustain a competitive advantage. Ignoring any of these will not produce effective results. A competitive business strategy focuses on outperforming rivals within the industry or market segment to improve its competitive position. And to prosper […]

Managing Time for Competitive Advantage

Every firm, small or large, pursues a formal or informal business strategy to compete and become successful in the marketplace. Some become very successful, and others go out of business. However, to become successful, a company must also have an effective functional strategy. Both strategies are essential for generating competitive advantage and superior performance. Through […]

Competitive Advantage through Strategic Management

The concept of competitive advantage is embedded in the key components of the strategic management process. Strategic management is about gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. From environmental scanning to vision statement to strategy formulation (strategic planning) and implementation—all these components have been successfully used to develop a competitive advantage. Business leaders make strategic decisions […]