
Identifying, Mapping, and Managing the Innovation Ecosystem at Corporate Level

The challenges and uncertainties of the 21st century have continued to change the basic concepts and practice of strategic management. The rapidly changing environment has created environmental uncertainty, which is a threat to strategic managers because it impairs their ability to develop long-range plans and make effective strategic decisions to keep the firm stable with […]

Design and Management of The Transition State of Strategic Change

This blog article attempts to describe the complex transition phase of the old and weak 3-state strategic change model in terms of two elements of the new and strong strategic management model: strategy formulation and implementation: which incorporates the portfolio management framework to facilitate and provide clarity to the implementation process. Basically, organizations undergo two […]

Importance of Portfolio Management in Innovation

The primary purpose of a strategic management system is to maximize the overall performance of the firm. However, a survey of Fortune 500 companies revealed that poor implementation has been the primary cause of strategic failures. Over time, portfolio management has gradually entered the strategic management system to become an essential part of it to […]

Implementing Strategies through Portfolio Management

Strategy implementation is the most difficult part of the strategy. Hrebiniak states that “Making strategy work-executing or implementing it through the organization is even more difficult. Without effective implementation, no business strategy can succeed.” [1] Prior to this work, Henry Mintzberg introduced intended and realized strategy to help clarify this implementation challenge. According to him, […]