
Value Creation through Incremental Change in Multibusiness Corporation

Multibusiness firms typically use multidivisional structures that comprise separate businesses, which are organized as strategic business units, divisions, or subsidiaries, and are controlled and coordinated by corporate management to create value. These businesses are arranged according to product groups, geographical locations and markets, or different vertically integrated stages. The primary characteristic of a multibusiness firm […]

Design and Management of The Transition State of Strategic Change

This blog article attempts to describe the complex transition phase of the old and weak 3-state strategic change model in terms of two elements of the new and strong strategic management model: strategy formulation and implementation: which incorporates the portfolio management framework to facilitate and provide clarity to the implementation process. Basically, organizations undergo two […]

Managing Unknown Unknowns in Innovation

The external environment of emerging and technology-based industries will tend to be more uncertain as the world moves further into the twenty-first century. Any changes in an innovation firm’s external environment that are driven by the forces of technology, economics, and other influences impede the ability of strategic managers to make strategic decisions to keep […]

Strategic Planning Vs. Strategic Management, and the Performance Gap

The terms strategic planning (strategy formulation) and strategic management are synonymous and interchangeably used in the business world; however, both have different meanings. Strategic management encompasses strategic planning-in other words, strategic planning is a subset of strategic management. Strategic management evolved from strategic planning. Fundamentally, strategic planning incorporates environmental scanning and strategy formulation whereas strategic […]

Importance of Strategic Management to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Strategic management has long been used successfully by large organizations to manage uncertainties and for better positioning to generate long-term growth and profitability. Due to the current and predicted environmental uncertainties, the practice of strategic management will become a need for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to keep them in equilibrium with their external environments […]

Competitive Advantage through Strategic Management

The concept of competitive advantage is embedded in the key components of the strategic management process. Strategic management is about gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. From environmental scanning to vision statement to strategy formulation (strategic planning) and implementation—all these components have been successfully used to develop a competitive advantage. Business leaders make strategic decisions […]