
Creating and Delivering High-Performance Innovation

For the past two decades, many technology-based companies have achieved extraordinary growth rates internally through innovation. Before this period, growing internally through innovation had limitations, and firms had to depend on external growth strategies to achieve corporate growth goals and objectives. For example, by 2018, most of the world’s value was created by a set […]

Combining Scenarios and Real Options to Address Uncertainty in Strategy Formulation

The 21st century business environment has even become more turbulent and uncertain, and therefore unpredictable. Every firm deals with uncertainty in its lifecycle. Uncertainty impedes the ability of management to make strategic decisions. There are many sources of uncertainty, but the most important ones are related to the firm’s external environment and black swan events. […]

Effective Performance Measures of Corporate Control

The primary purpose of strategic management is to maximize the firm’s performance in the long-run. In financial terms, this means maximizing the enterprise value of the firm by maximizing the net present value of the stream of profits (cash flows) over the long-run. Enterprise value is equal to shareholder value plus the value of the […]

Design and Management of The Transition State of Strategic Change

This blog article attempts to describe the complex transition phase of the old and weak 3-state strategic change model in terms of two elements of the new and strong strategic management model: strategy formulation and implementation: which incorporates the portfolio management framework to facilitate and provide clarity to the implementation process. Basically, organizations undergo two […]

Internal Sources of Strategic Transformation: Competitive Advantage through Innovation

The fundamental purpose of strategic management is to keep the firm in tune (strategic fit) with its unstable, unpredictable, and competitive business environment. Any form of change in the firm’s external environment, including technological change, is a problem for established firms because these firms find difficulties in coping with it. The reason for this is […]

Importance of Portfolio Management in Innovation

The primary purpose of a strategic management system is to maximize the overall performance of the firm. However, a survey of Fortune 500 companies revealed that poor implementation has been the primary cause of strategic failures. Over time, portfolio management has gradually entered the strategic management system to become an essential part of it to […]

Implementing Strategies through Portfolio Management

Strategy implementation is the most difficult part of the strategy. Hrebiniak states that “Making strategy work-executing or implementing it through the organization is even more difficult. Without effective implementation, no business strategy can succeed.” [1] Prior to this work, Henry Mintzberg introduced intended and realized strategy to help clarify this implementation challenge. According to him, […]

Strategic Planning Vs. Strategic Management, and the Performance Gap

The terms strategic planning (strategy formulation) and strategic management are synonymous and interchangeably used in the business world; however, both have different meanings. Strategic management encompasses strategic planning-in other words, strategic planning is a subset of strategic management. Strategic management evolved from strategic planning. Fundamentally, strategic planning incorporates environmental scanning and strategy formulation whereas strategic […]